Hi it's Holly and Dave,
please come to our wedding.

13th July 2024,
Near Hereford, England.

Nearest train station: Hereford.
Closest airports: Bristol or Birmingham.

More details and RSVP to follow.

[{"Text":"Hi I'm Happy, Holly and Dave's dog. Keep tapping on me!","Drawing":""},{"Text":"yes, I'm coming to the wedding","Drawing":""},{"Text":"please bring chicken","Drawing":""},{"Text":"🐔","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I am the most important guest","Drawing":""},{"Text":"but you're a close second","Drawing":"tongue"},{"Text":"I am excited to host you","Drawing":""},{"Text":"woof","Drawing":"wide mouth"},{"Text":"that was my excited bark","Drawing":""},{"Text":"you might be wondering why they are having a wedding","Drawing":""},{"Text":"when they eloped in 2019","Drawing":""},{"Text":"they promised their parents they'd have a party","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and they like parties","Drawing":"party hat"},{"Text":"but they put it off for a while","Drawing":""},{"Text":"because of covid and such","Drawing":""},{"Text":"so long it got awkward ","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and then unawkward again","Drawing":""},{"Text":"bark bark bark bark bark","Drawing":"wide mouth"},{"Text":"sorry I got distracted by the neighbours","Drawing":""},{"Text":"so, yeah, here we are, five years later","Drawing":""},{"Text":"actually doing it","Drawing":""},{"Text":"which means I get to come","Drawing":""},{"Text":"woof","Drawing":"wide mouth"},{"Text":"that was my excited bark again","Drawing":""},{"Text":"so it's more like a party than a wedding","Drawing":""},{"Text":"because they'll skip the vows bit","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and get right to the cake","Drawing":""},{"Text":"yum","Drawing":"Eating cake"},{"Text":"I hope the cake is peanut butter flavour","Drawing":"Eating cake"},{"Text":"what is your favourite flavour of cake?","Drawing":"Eating cake"},{"Text":"oh yeah, you can't talk to me","Drawing":""},{"Text":"only tap a screen","Drawing":""},{"Text":"that's weird","Drawing":""},{"Text":"hmmmm what are some more things I should tell you?","Drawing":""},{"Text":"that was a rhetorical question, because you can't answer me","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I bet you're wondering who else will be there","Drawing":""},{"Text":"a bunch of other people I bet","Drawing":""},{"Text":"hopefully some other dogs","Drawing":"tail wags"},{"Text":"so I can sniff some butts","Drawing":"sniffing"},{"Text":"I like sniffing butts","Drawing":""},{"Text":"not human butts, just dog butts","Drawing":""},{"Text":"if you are hungry on the day do not worry","Drawing":""},{"Text":"because we will have tasty snacks for you","Drawing":"tongue"},{"Text":"we're not entirely sure what snacks yet","Drawing":""},{"Text":"but you'll be able to let us know if you have any dietary requirements","Drawing":""},{"Text":"when we send out an RSVP later on","Drawing":""},{"Text":"oh yeah - RSVP. we will send out a way for you to confirm if you are coming","Drawing":""},{"Text":"but not yet","Drawing":""},{"Text":"it's more exciting this way","Drawing":""},{"Text":"DUN DUN DUN","Drawing":"wide mouth"},{"Text":"reminds me of that hit movie","Drawing":""},{"Text":"Interstellar","Drawing":""},{"Text":"have you seen it","Drawing":""},{"Text":"it's cool","Drawing":"tail wags"},{"Text":"spoiler warning but at the end he is in a five dimensional bookcase","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and he uses the power of gravity to send a message backwards in time","Drawing":""},{"Text":"how cool is that","Drawing":""},{"Text":"that's what I'm like when I'm in the park and I find a stick","Drawing":"eating stick"},{"Text":"and I chew it and everyone is like ","Drawing":"eating stick"},{"Text":"wow what an amazing dog that's like the smartest coolest dog","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and I'm like yeah","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and usually everyone claps","Drawing":""},{"Text":"(the whole park)","Drawing":"tail wags"},{"Text":"so interstellar and me eating snacks is the same","Drawing":""},{"Text":"anyway what else do you want to talk about","Drawing":""},{"Text":"Dave's first wizard character in Dungeons and Dragons was called","Drawing":""},{"Text":"Exieldonomax","Drawing":""},{"Text":"how cool is that","Drawing":""},{"Text":"man Dave is cool","Drawing":"sniffing"},{"Text":"its like he wrote all of this stuff I'm saying","Drawing":""},{"Text":"but he didn't","Drawing":""},{"Text":"because I'm a dog and I'm speaking not Dave","Drawing":""},{"Text":"Holly is pretty cool too","Drawing":"sniffing"},{"Text":"when she was little she had a paper round","Drawing":""},{"Text":"like that computer game Paperboy but with Holly doing the newspaper throwing","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I like chewing up paper","Drawing":"newspaper"},{"Text":"if you gave me a newspaper I would turn it into confetti ","Drawing":"newspaper confetti"},{"Text":"also did you know I can reverse sneeze","Drawing":""},{"Text":"it's like sneezing but backwards","Drawing":""},{"Text":"humans can't do it only cool dogs like me","Drawing":"tail wags"},{"Text":"did you know I drove from California to New York?","Drawing":""},{"Text":"yeah in my car","Drawing":""},{"Text":"Holly and Dave came too","Drawing":""},{"Text":"we stopped at dog parks","Drawing":""},{"Text":"it was cool","Drawing":""},{"Text":"they took me to see waterfalls which are stupid","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I don't like being wet so why take me to see them","Drawing":"angry face"},{"Text":"we should have gone to get chicken instead","Drawing":""},{"Text":"anyhoo","Drawing":""},{"Text":"the wedding then","Drawing":""},{"Text":"expect the theme to be entirely water based","Drawing":""},{"Text":"under water","Drawing":""},{"Text":"under the sea","Drawing":""},{"Text":"no wait","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I got that wrong","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I meant to say the theme is the heat death of the universe","Drawing":""},{"Text":"so wear something HOT","Drawing":""},{"Text":"haha","Drawing":"tail wags"},{"Text":"just kidding","Drawing":""},{"Text":"truth is we're not quite sure what the theme is yet","Drawing":""},{"Text":"so just, like, dress as you","Drawing":""},{"Text":"but on a really good day","Drawing":"top hat monical"},{"Text":"like the most fun thing in your wardrobe","Drawing":"top hat monical"},{"Text":"also, regarding presents for the happy couple","Drawing":""},{"Text":"Dave would like a boat","Drawing":""},{"Text":"Holly would like a helicopter that can land on the boat","Drawing":""},{"Text":"so the boat needs to be sufficiently large to handle the helicopter landing and refueling","Drawing":""},{"Text":"Don't skimp on things either, obviously they'll both need helicopter pilot training","Drawing":""},{"Text":"also they need to be electric","Drawing":""},{"Text":"because the earth is really hot","Drawing":"sad face"},{"Text":"I don't want any presents","Drawing":""},{"Text":"because all I care about is meeting all of you","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and maybe sniffing you","Drawing":"sniffing"},{"Text":"not your butt though","Drawing":""},{"Text":"one thing to think about","Drawing":""},{"Text":"is WHY are you coming","Drawing":""},{"Text":"when you get to the venue","Drawing":""},{"Text":"we'll need a presentation justifying why you came","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and your existence","Drawing":""},{"Text":"keep it light though","Drawing":"tongue"},{"Text":"five powerpoint slides max","Drawing":""},{"Text":"if you're wondering about what to bring","Drawing":""},{"Text":"don't bring any cats","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I like them but they don't like me","Drawing":"sad face"},{"Text":"and that might sour the vibe","Drawing":""},{"Text":"vibes are important to consider","Drawing":""},{"Text":"like","Drawing":""},{"Text":"good vibes is a primary goal","Drawing":""},{"Text":"so be on your best behaviour ","Drawing":""},{"Text":"you can bring squirrels if you like","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I like squirrels","Drawing":"tail wags"},{"Text":"again, not sure if they like me but we'll make it work","Drawing":""},{"Text":"i also am friends with several turtles","Drawing":""},{"Text":"but I have not confirmed if they are swimming over from the US for this","Drawing":""},{"Text":"one thing to keep in mind","Drawing":""},{"Text":"is that we're concerned about simulation theory","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and will be looking to prove once and for all if this is all a simulation","Drawing":"simulation"},{"Text":"so don't be afraid to try simulation breaking things like","Drawing":""},{"Text":"making tea with no milk in it","Drawing":""},{"Text":"or licking a wall or two","Drawing":"tongue"},{"Text":"we'll just have to see","Drawing":""},{"Text":"we're a little worried that","Drawing":""},{"Text":"having so many different folks","Drawing":""},{"Text":"from so many different timelines in one place","Drawing":""},{"Text":"will overload the servers","Drawing":""},{"Text":"so don't worry if things get foggy","Drawing":"foggy dog"},{"Text":"that's just low resolution kicking in to save on CPU ","Drawing":""},{"Text":"by the way","Drawing":""},{"Text":"sometimes I need to buffer","Drawing":""},{"Text":"it just means I'm loading before deciding what to do next","Drawing":""},{"Text":"it might look like I'm staring into space","Drawing":"space eyes"},{"Text":"but I'll do something eventually","Drawing":""},{"Text":"did you know we're up over 150 of these little messages I've sent you now","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and you are still clicking","Drawing":""},{"Text":"makes you wonder","Drawing":""},{"Text":"how long","Drawing":""},{"Text":"will this go on for?","Drawing":""},{"Text":"like","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I mean","Drawing":""},{"Text":"it could go on for a very long time right?","Drawing":"tail wags"},{"Text":"but that's ok with you","Drawing":""},{"Text":"because the internet has trained us all to","Drawing":""},{"Text":"just","Drawing":""},{"Text":"keep","Drawing":""},{"Text":"clicking","Drawing":""},{"Text":"click click click","Drawing":""},{"Text":"see there you go","Drawing":""},{"Text":"clicking away","Drawing":""},{"Text":"click","Drawing":""},{"Text":"clickity-click-click","Drawing":""},{"Text":"CLICKY CLICKY CLICK","Drawing":"wide mouth"},{"Text":"click","Drawing":""},{"Text":"*click*","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I wonder what's for dinner","Drawing":"sniffing"},{"Text":"click","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I mean I could just say nothing for a while and you'd still click just to see","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I mean I could just say nothing for a while and you'd still click just to see","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I mean I could just say nothing for a while and you'd still click just to see","Drawing":""},{"Text":"see?","Drawing":""},{"Text":"you kept clicking","Drawing":""},{"Text":"just like that","Drawing":""},{"Text":"click click","Drawing":""},{"Text":"anyway we should get back to non-click based content","Drawing":""},{"Text":"Dave and Holly have been thinking about training me to do something special at the wedding","Drawing":""},{"Text":"like a speech or something","Drawing":"wide mouth"},{"Text":"did you know dogs can't look up?","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I learnt that once ","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I'm fairly sure I can though","Drawing":""},{"Text":"maybe that's because I'm actually a coyote ","Drawing":""},{"Text":"did you know I came from Oakland, California","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I have a sister called Luna","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and a cousin called Dolly","Drawing":""},{"Text":"say hi to Dolly if you see her","Drawing":""},{"Text":"she probably also likes chicken and squirrels","Drawing":"tail wags"},{"Text":"yummy","Drawing":""},{"Text":"do you think we are all the 3D shadows of a 4D world?","Drawing":""},{"Text":"Holly's dad Noel said his band is going to play at the party","Drawing":""},{"Text":"that's pretty fun","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I don't think I know how to dance though","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I'll just wag my tail","Drawing":"tail wags"},{"Text":"and jump around a bit","Drawing":"jumping"},{"Text":"you might start to worry","Drawing":""},{"Text":"that all this text you are clicking to see","Drawing":""},{"Text":"is AI generated","Drawing":""},{"Text":"so it's not actually going to end","Drawing":""},{"Text":"that's just the sort of nonsense that Holly and Dave would get up to","Drawing":"angry face"},{"Text":"they wouldn't go to all that work though would they?","Drawing":""},{"Text":"hooking all of this up to an large language model","Drawing":""},{"Text":"so it just keeps spitting out text for ever","Drawing":""},{"Text":"there could have been a server side request as the page loaded","Drawing":""},{"Text":"that added all of this to the javascript you can see client side","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and then maybe, just maybe, it'll load more soon","Drawing":""},{"Text":"you can tell this is an not AI though","Drawing":""},{"Text":"because an AI would never say this","Drawing":""},{"Text":"blarpy boop bloop ","Drawing":"simulation"},{"Text":"(robot noises)","Drawing":""},{"Text":"or have typooos ","Drawing":""},{"Text":"liek thsi","Drawing":""},{"Text":"that's actually a pretty cool thought","Drawing":""},{"Text":"like, imagine if they got that to work","Drawing":""},{"Text":"that's some pretty advanced stuff","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I mean, I don't even know what that all means","Drawing":""},{"Text":"but it sounds like Dave and Holly are really cool and smart","Drawing":"tail wags"},{"Text":"I know how to high five","Drawing":""},{"Text":"which is also really cool and smart","Drawing":""},{"Text":"anyway, let's get back to the party talk","Drawing":"top hat monical"},{"Text":"Holly said they'll be a treehouse at the party","Drawing":""},{"Text":"which sounds like the perfect place to catch squirrels from","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I'm excited","Drawing":"tail wags"},{"Text":"click click click","Drawing":""},{"Text":"that's the sound of your mouse or touch screen","Drawing":""},{"Text":"it's kind of like my bark","Drawing":""},{"Text":"it's a signal","Drawing":""},{"Text":"telling me you're still there","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and you're still reading my messages","Drawing":""},{"Text":"which is nice","Drawing":""},{"Text":"it's like we're having a conversation","Drawing":""},{"Text":"even though I'm a dog","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and you're a human","Drawing":""},{"Text":"we can still connect","Drawing":""},{"Text":"in a way","Drawing":""},{"Text":"click","Drawing":""},{"Text":"click","Drawing":""},{"Text":"woof","Drawing":""},{"Text":"click","Drawing":""},{"Text":"see?","Drawing":""},{"Text":"we're communicating","Drawing":""},{"Text":"in our own unique way","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and that's kind of beautiful","Drawing":""},{"Text":"if you think about it.","Drawing":""},{"Text":"did you know dogs can smell through time","Drawing":""},{"Text":"not into the future","Drawing":"space eyes"},{"Text":"that would be weird","Drawing":""},{"Text":"but we can smell the past","Drawing":"sniffing"},{"Text":"ok yeah that's just lingering smells","Drawing":""},{"Text":"but still, I can tell if someone really stinky was here like at least 40 mins ago","Drawing":""},{"Text":"also I can smell emotions","Drawing":"sniffing"},{"Text":"so I'll be able to smell all the happy people at the party the next day","Drawing":"sniffing"},{"Text":"I'm like a emotional historian","Drawing":""},{"Text":"anyway here are fun party facts","Drawing":""},{"Text":"it's going to be in Herefordshire","Drawing":""},{"Text":"which is where cider comes from","Drawing":""},{"Text":"what do you call the places they make cider?","Drawing":""},{"Text":"apple brewery?","Drawing":""},{"Text":"distillery? ","Drawing":""},{"Text":"cidery?","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I don't like apples","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I like mango though","Drawing":""},{"Text":"hey want to know a joke?","Drawing":"tail wags"},{"Text":"man goes in a bar","Drawing":""},{"Text":"mangos","Drawing":""},{"Text":"in a bar","Drawing":""},{"Text":"what are they doing there?","Drawing":""},{"Text":"ahahaha ","Drawing":"tail wags"},{"Text":"Holly told me that joke","Drawing":""},{"Text":"she is very awesome and funny","Drawing":""},{"Text":"her jokes are the best","Drawing":""},{"Text":"much better than Dave's joke about Billy the horse","Drawing":""},{"Text":"don't ask him about that one","Drawing":"angry face"},{"Text":"Dave and Holly are going to keep their surnames they said","Drawing":""},{"Text":"which I think is silly","Drawing":""},{"Text":"they should have my surname","Drawing":""},{"Text":"do you know my second name is Biscuits","Drawing":""},{"Text":"it's because I like biscuits so much","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I'm called Happy Biscuits","Drawing":""},{"Text":"so if you happened to bring some biscuits with you","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and called Happy Biscuits","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I might just come and say hi","Drawing":"tail wags"},{"Text":"do you think Holly and Dave should take my surname?","Drawing":""},{"Text":"click once for yes","Drawing":""},{"Text":"OK! noted! I'll tell them","Drawing":""},{"Text":"it'll make vet visits a lot less weird","Drawing":""},{"Text":"when they're all like \"what's the dogs surname\" and we don't match","Drawing":""},{"Text":"it's a bit awkward","Drawing":""},{"Text":"one time I went to the vet because I ate a stone","Drawing":"tongue"},{"Text":"another time I went because I ate a bee","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and another time I went because a snake tried to eat me","Drawing":""},{"Text":"that was scary","Drawing":"angry face"},{"Text":"and another time I went because I act weird when I poop","Drawing":""},{"Text":"being a dog is strange","Drawing":""},{"Text":"you know how in space nobody can hear you scream?","Drawing":"space eyes"},{"Text":"do you think the moon hears me howling at it?","Drawing":""},{"Text":"just kidding, I don't howl at the moon","Drawing":""},{"Text":"I think that's wolves ","Drawing":""},{"Text":"or huskies","Drawing":""},{"Text":"awooooo","Drawing":"howl"},{"Text":"ok maybe I should start, I'm pretty good at it","Drawing":""},{"Text":"so you've done over 300 clickity boops now","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and I completely forgot to show you how stylish I look","Drawing":""},{"Text":"in a bowtie","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"so classy","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"I think I'll keep it","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"I'm only really wearing it","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"because Dave drew a bowtie","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"and forgot about it until here","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"but I'm glad he did","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"yay","Drawing":"tail wags"},{"Text":"oh no I lost it ","Drawing":""},{"Text":"it seems that I can't wag my tail and wear a bowtie at the same time","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"but if I say bowtie it comes back","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"or something else like cranberries","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"but if I get excited and wag my tail","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"wag","Drawing":"tail wags"},{"Text":"naked again","Drawing":""},{"Text":"bowtie","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"excellent","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"I'll try to not get excited and lose my bowtie again","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"let's talk about things that don't interest me","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"like spreadsheets","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"and kids on scooters","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"and vegetables ","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"excellent, still looking very smart","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"if you wanted to wear a bowtie to the wedding I'm sure that would be fine","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"Dave could draw you one","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"or not, your call","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"did you know if you refresh this page I'll start again and you'll have to hear me work out this bowtie situation again","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"wow that would be annoying","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"it's time for me to go now","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"and obviously we're not going to do some ridiculously over the top exit","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"because no one is going to see it","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"except YOU you odd person","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"who has clicked 344 times","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"lol","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"anyhoo","Drawing":"bowtie"},{"Text":"yeah","Drawing":""},{"Text":"see ya","Drawing":""},{"Text":"still here?","Drawing":""},{"Text":"gosh","Drawing":""},{"Text":"that's a lot of dedication","Drawing":""},{"Text":"you are very committed","Drawing":""},{"Text":"possibly you are just annoyed that you've clicked this far","Drawing":""},{"Text":"maybe you are quite the completionist?","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and you must like Holly and Dave a lot to get this far","Drawing":""},{"Text":"maybe you really think there is some massive pay off","Drawing":""},{"Text":"but if you know their sense of humour","Drawing":""},{"Text":"then you know they'd find it funny","Drawing":""},{"Text":"if there wasn't","Drawing":""},{"Text":"like","Drawing":""},{"Text":"it just","Drawing":""},{"Text":"ended","Drawing":""},{"Text":"with nothing","Drawing":""},{"Text":"just sort of stopped","Drawing":""},{"Text":"and that's it","Drawing":""},{"Text":"OR","Drawing":""},{"Text":"maybe not","Drawing":""},{"Text":"but you have to keep clicking just to see","Drawing":""},{"Text":"ok","Drawing":""},{"Text":"well you can keep clicking but I'm going to leave","Drawing":""},{"Text":"with my jetpack","Drawing":""},{"Text":"that's right","Drawing":""},{"Text":"jetpack","Drawing":""},{"Text":"oh you don't believe me","Drawing":""},{"Text":"BOOM!","Drawing":"jet pack"},{"Text":"ok","Drawing":"jet pack"},{"Text":"bye!","Drawing":"jet pack on"} ]